Romans 2:17
But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law and boast in God
After addressing immoral people who reject God in chapter 1 and the moralist in the beginning of chapter 2, Paul now addresses his own people, the Jews, directly.
From this verse to the end of chapter 2, the person who outwardly identifies with God’s chosen people but whose heart rebels against God is called out as the impostor that they are.
These self deceived people put their trust in the fact that they have God’s law and are comfortable that this proves that God accepts them. Â Yet, God does not approve of those who possess the law but those who fulfill the law.
Confident that they are acceptable to God, they brag and boast that He is their God. Â They think that because they are associated with God through their ancestors that He approves of them as well. Â They arrogantly think that God only accepts those born Jewish. Â As a result, they reject people who are not Jewish, thinking themselves to be superior.
Today, this same kind of superficial relationship to God through the church is possible as well. Â We need to be careful not to “call” ourself a Christian and rely on the bible and boast in God while our heart is far from Him. Â We are made acceptable to God by trust in Jesus alone. Â Being associated with the church does not make us acceptable to Him.