Romans 2:14
For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law.
God gave the law to the Jewish people. They were wonderfully blessed to be chosen by God as the people He would reveal Himself to the whole world through. The rest of the world, the gentiles, were not directly given God’s revelation of Himself in the law.
Yet, He did not leave the rest of the world completely without knowledge of His law. Through the conscience, God has revealed something of His law to everyone. As a result, societies generally agree with God’s law as it relates to how people should treat each other. We naturally agree with many of the things that He requires.
As a result, peoples and societies with their natural agreement to God’s law become a revelation of His law to themselves. Even though they do not have the complete law of God, they will be held accountable for violating His law written in their conscience.