Nov 28 2010

Satan’s Work

Posted by Anthony Crumley

Sermon by Joe Clark on Sunday, November 28, 2010.

Nov 27 2010

Preachers Are Messengers

Posted by Anthony Crumley

Being a messenger of God is a responsibility that is both easy and difficult at the same time. It is easy because all you have to do is deliver a message. It is difficult because you must not mix in your own message.

Few preachers seem to see themselves as delivering a message received. Rather, they see themselves as delivering a message prepared. The difference is dramatic. God is under no obligation to bless, with power and effectiveness, a message prepared by a man. Yet, for His own name’s sake, He will empower a message received from Himself.

Messages received from God accomplish His purposes while messages prepared by men accomplish their purposes. A God empowered message will affect the hearers entirely as God intended. This may or may not be the effect we want or expect from the preaching ministry in our local church. It may cause people to leave our church, join our church or some of both. It may cause sorrow or joy. It may cause tremendous conviction or grant great confirmation.

Regardless of the effect, the church today can only be what she was intended when preachers see themselves as messengers delivering a message first received from God. (1 Corinthians 15:3)

Nov 21 2010

Spiritual Authority

Posted by Anthony Crumley

Sermon by Joe Clark on Sunday, November 21, 2010.

Nov 21 2010

Tent Of Meeting

Posted by Anthony Crumley

Sermon by Joe Clark on Sunday, November 14, 2010.

Nov 8 2010

The Remnant

Posted by Anthony Crumley

Sermon by Joe Clark on Sunday, November 7, 2010.

Nov 1 2010

How Do We Live

Posted by Anthony Crumley

Sermon by Joe Clark on Sunday, October 31, 2010.